Motivation to Succeed in Tennis Can be Related to Students!

Last Wednesday, I had the pleasure to listen to Tennis Coach Silviu Tanasoiu discuss about his motivation and passion for playing and coaching tennis.  It was great to connect with someone who understands how tough it is to be a Cornellian student trying to balance academics with sports and social life.  He believes playing a varsity sport and keeping up with classes is similar to “pursuing a medical degree while doing military service”.  That is why he values time management and the adversity to excel.

Another lesson that he taught is to not get caught up with the outcomes.  This is the exact same advice my parents give me when I give it my all either during a fencing tournament or taking a hard midterm.  Being aware of what you can and cannot control is important for success because it is a waste of time worrying what you can’t do or what has happened in the past.

Overall, I enjoyed the coach’s stories to motivate students and tennis players and the strong relationships created as a coach.  Coach Tanasoiu is the motivator and the support group his tennis students need.  He believes that everything is a team effort and that your friends and family are the best support group to have at Cornell.



2 thoughts on “Motivation to Succeed in Tennis Can be Related to Students!

  1. I think it is great that you brought up the important lesson of not getting caught up with outcomes! I think it is a great way to relax and stay optimistic during stressful times. It is the journey that matters 🙂

  2. I think it is great for you to point out how Cornell coaches understand students’ stress in handling school work and sports at the same time. I think since the coaches are able to stand in our student athletes’ shoes, the students athlete can feel more supported and commit one-hundred percent into striving for sport achievement both for Cornell and themselves.

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