i don’t play tennis

I found Tennis Coach Silviu Tanasoiu’s discussion on pursuing athletic success during college very accessible, as I’m sure the other non-athlete students at the Rose cafe did as well. Coach Tanasoiu was likely aware that most of his audience would not be Cornell athletes, as his topics were applicable to time-consuming extra-curricular activities besides athletics. Regardless, his discussion  specifically about tennis and his experiences was interesting to hear, as a non-athlete.

What I found most appealing about the coach’s discussion, was how he described the passion involved in being a student athlete. Being a student athlete pursuing a career in professional athletics is not an easy task, and Coach Tanasoiu conveyed the difficulties well. Hearing his perspective as a coach, I felt the desire to experience such a drive as he did. I hope that I could come to become as passionate about my academic life.

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