On Wednesday, I attended the Rose Café with GRF Esmeralda! She spoke about her PhD research on the DREAM act and DACA relating to undocumented youth. An undocumented youth is someone who came into America without inspection or with false paperwork, and often these individuals do not even know they are undocumented for a long time because of the actions of their parents. This hurts their education, especially hurting their chances of achieving higher education. The DREAM act, which stands for Development, Relief, and Education of Alien Minors, sounds like a positive reform program for undocumented youth. However, it was put under a lot of criticism because it only addresses education. Personally, I feel that this act was a good start towards helping the undocumented youth, as education is one of the most important things in a young person’s life. After looking at images regarding the DREAM act, it is very clear that education is the main and only goal. While this goal of education for everyone is very important, the overall quality of life for these undocumented individuals is far more important and encompasses the big picture.