Michael Moore goes on a journey

Michael Moore’s latest film is a scathing look at what America can learn from other countries in the fields of education, health care, prison reform, politics, and even compassion. He explores several countries: Finland, Italy, France, Portugal, Iceland, Germany, and Tunisia. Each of these places yield surprising results, from free college to actual reform going on in prisons, Moore paints quite a picture of how other countries have it together. However, from the beginning of the film he states that he is focusing on “the flowers and not the weeds” so the viewer never really gets to see the negative side of any of these places. I get why he did this but, in my opinion, the more perfect a place looks the more corrupt and rotten it is. My favorite stop in his journey was Italy, a place where workers get 30 days of paid vacation a year and mothers have up to five months of paid maternity leave.

As usual, Moore creates a film that will stir up a lot of discussion and is perfect for a night when you and your friends want to see a smart film that really makes you think. While I still think that Capitalism: A Love Story is his magnum opus, Where to Invade Next is a good film and worth a watch.

Rating: High Rental

One thought on “Michael Moore goes on a journey

  1. This sounds like a very interesting documentary. I am taking a class on U.S. prisons this semester, so I would interested in seeing the global perspective the film offers on issues like prison reform.

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