The present and future of Cornell Tech

Last week, the subject of the Rose cafe was the development of the new tech school that Cornell is building in New York City. Adam Shwartz confidently discussed the current plans and successes of the school and the steps that the school is taking to develop itself in the immediate future. I asked what he pictured of the school in ten, twenty years. Interestingly, he gave a solid but empty response. He claimed that the future of the tech industry cannot be predicted, and the industry evolves too quickly to effectively plan for that far in the future. While other institutions may have a concrete ten-year plan, Cornell tech is taking a different approach, and I find it very interesting. His views of the institution include allowing the school to co-evolve with the ever-changing tech industry, which I personally think is the most important aspect of a tech school. By staying a relatively small institution with the backing of a large, wealthy university, Cornell tech seems to have the potential to effectively evolve with the tech industry to eventually become a leader in the field.

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