
Inside out is a movie of plenty of feels.

Besides the plot and interesting philosophies of psychology that the film dove into, the talk at the end with professor Tamara was very interesting. There is science present throughout Inside Out, an interesting matrix of different psychological ideas that were actually founded when Disney consulted with real psychologists. The film touched on much more than a simple coming-of-age story usually reveals; and the viewer leaves the movie thinking about the fact that he/she is also heavily influenced by emotions, and memories are colored and occasionally tainted by emotions.

Additionally, in the movie, the emotion boards of the parents were also introduced, with different emotions leading the HQ. For the mother, it was sadness; for the father, anger; and for the daughter (until the ambiguous end) joy.

My question to the reader would be: what is the head of your emotions? And in order, how much sway does each emotion have over you?

3 thoughts on “:’}

  1. To answer your query young Mr. Steffanetta, the head of my emotions is definitely anger. I have to fight back the urge to kick some tail everyday. Oh yeah, here is my list,
    1. Anger
    2. Sadness
    3. Joy
    4. Fear
    5. Disgust

    • Clarence, I would have thought fear would be the lowest for you. you’re tough as nails bro. i think the leader of my headquarters (get it, it’s in Riley’s head? haha ha ha) would be sadness or joy. i would argue that they don’t need to be mutually exclusive, and the movie i think agrees with me.

  2. I would have to say
    1. Joy
    2. Sadness
    3. Fear
    4. Disgust
    5. Anger

    It would be interesting to know how you would rate these emotions for yourself Matt.

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