The environment and funny videos

Last week’s Rose Café event was centered on environmental humor and although I laughed a lot, I didn’t feel like it was an interesting presentation. I liked the topic and it was something that I never even knew existed but I feel like I just watched funny videos about environmental humor for an hour and didn’t get as much information on the topic as I would’ve liked.  It can definitely be argued that the best way to show what environmental humor is all about is through examples such as videos of commercials with environmental humor. One thing that came to my mind as I laughed was that maybe the humor of the videos takes away the severity of the issues at hand. With that said, I did have a favorite video and it was this one about a brand new ecological friendly car that kills its passenger in the hopes of reducing gas emissions. The video also showed that a lot of people were ecstatic about the new car and were already pre-ordering it and I thought that was another funny part of the video.

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