The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged & Revised was one of the funniest plays I have ever seen. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard while watching a play! Somehow the five actors managed to preform some sort of interpretation of each of shakespeare works, some of which, were unbelievably fleeting. I am so glad I was able to attend this play. The last few plays I have been to I did not find as enjoyable as this one, but this one kept the crowd laughing constantly!
I am very impressed with my fellow students for putting on such a great play. I am sure it took a lot of rehearsing, skill, and practicing, but they made it look so effortless! I think it would be fun to talk to these students and the directors and see how a play like this is created. I hope to see another play by these students to help support their dreams and ambitions.
I really enjoyed this play, and if anyone needs some stress relief or something fun to do I would recommend seeing this play! It runs again on march 4th and 5th.