
Last weekend under an eerie night sky, the rose residents went up to Bailey Hall to watch The Vagina Monologues. It was my first time attending the show but I had been interested in going because a friend recommended to go see it. At first, I was not sure what to expect from this show. I was expecting it to be informative and perhaps formal since the topics that were discussed were serious issues. On the contrary, the cast delivered their lines in a way that was often humorous and informative. There were shorts that were intense and powerful, while there were also countless funny references that kept the audience captivated.

The topics relating to vagina is rarely raised in public because people find it either awkward or offensive to discuss openly. This show was an eye opening experience where I saw and heard the casts freely talk about a variety of issues that females and/or minority groups face every day. My favorite part of the show was when the cast retold real stories of women, because it raised public consciousness while also keeping the identity of the women safe.

Overall, this was an excellent show that I would recommend to any of my friends. I will be back next year with my friends for more laughter! A big thank you to the staff and cast for making this possible!

Night sky while walking to Bailey Hall

Night sky while walking to Bailey Hall

The casts and staff

The cast and staff

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