Classical Music and Very Interesting Instruments

Yesterday I went to see the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra at Bailey. According to the pamflet, the Orchestra was started by several students at the College of Music in Freiburg and wanted to play Baroque music on historical instruments. So the establishment of this famous orchestra of traditional music was interestingly entrepreneurial.

Although I don’t have too much music knowledge, it is interesting to see that the orchestra didn’t have a conductor when they play. I was impressed by how harmonic they played without it. According to the introduction, this is one of the traditions of FBO.

During the second part of the program, a gentleman came up to stage and demonstrated a traditional instrument that was played by Mozart’s friend. How interesting! Though he said the name in French and I couldn’t catch it.  Through the rest of the program he played that instrument along with the rest of the orchestra. It was a very interesting combination.

I really enjoyed the concert last night and I hope to learn about music from my peers and more concerts.


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