I have sex…let that settle. I have sex and I love it. However, indulging in my vagina’s needs (especially through the current hook up culture scene) means often defending my morals and values. I don’t respect myself any less if I have sex. Why is that such a difficult concept?
Millions of women can scream I love sex, and white, middle-class, male psychologists will come up with a million reasons why our childhood was broken and how we are fundamentally, mentally wrong….ummm no, I am 100% capable of higher order thinking and (quite frankly) understanding where my actions are coming from. My need for sex comes from human basic need. Accept it.
One of the most offensive things a guy I hooked up with asked me was “Where’s your self esteem?”…ummm apparently where yours is as well. My self-esteem doesn’t revolve around what my vagina is subjected to. My self-esteem revolves around just that – the self, me. And if you associate my self-esteem to my vagina, through logic of deductive reasoning, congratulations you just reduced me to a fleshy hole.
You know what?! You can suck my dick vagina.
Check your hands, not my morals.
This is perfection! And the pictures were an excellent addition to this blog post. You are spot on when you discuss the middle aged white male psychologist. I feel like people want to find an answer to why women behave like humans. Well its because we ARE HUMAN!!! Thank you for you boldness in this piece, we need more of this!
Wow – this was great! I felt empowered the entire time. Your piece pushed me to question such boldness. Are women born thinking that they should not be shamed? Are they taught this? Do they have experiences that encourage, or force, them to think this way? Regardless, how does one get to this place, and how long can one stay there? The hope is that women across the world can speak with such boldness and ownership. It is my hope that we can all take back our power, that is consistently criticized.
Hi Leticia!!
Great post. Thanks for saying it. Someone had to. The pictures accompanied the post wonderfully.
Sometimes I get the sense that there is a belief that if a woman loves sex she must not love herself. Young women growing up in a culture with this belief can really struggle later with sex negativity. And yet men who love sex are just ‘healthy’ guys. Its just damaging.
A videoblog I like is sexplanations- you might like it too. Its such an open and beautiful space that Lindsay creates through her blogs.