Watching a Quartet close up

Music is something I really enjoy, especially classical. Tonight, I went to hear the Momenta Quartet perform in a professor’s apartment. At first I was surprised to hear that the performance would take place in an apartment. It just seemed that it would be too tight. And indeed, the space was too small for the quartet. The large audience sat right up against musicians who performed their intense yet wonderful music. As a violist myself, I really enjoyed sitting up close to the musicians and observing their techniques. However for a large portion of the audience, I could see that sitting up close was not a great experience. In fact, the music was probably less appealing and a bit too loud. As part of the audience, the performance felt like an intense fight between four instruments.  For me, I enjoyed watching this “fight” or interaction between the musicians. It gave me a better understanding on the importance of psychological connection between musicians. Therefore, even though the performance was a bit too intense and loud for the size of the room, for me it was nice to have the oppertunity to watch the musicians up close.

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