Figuring It All Out

Last Saturday, I attended the Open Skate at Lynah Rink event led by SA Caitlan and GRF Andrew. It was a great event to kick off the semester! We walked over to the rink as a group, got our skates, and headed onto the ice. I was still getting my skates on, so I did not catch the history of ice skating, but to my knowledge, it is a sport that has been around for quite a long time.

I did manage to make it onto the ice for the group lesson that Caitlan led. She taught us the proper ways of getting up after falling, stopping, going forwards, and for the more adventurous and skilled, going backwards and standing on one leg. We were a very large group, and it was fun seeing everyone make their way from one end of the rink to the other. I spent most of my time just attempting to go forwards. This was not my first time skating, but it definitely took me a while to get used to being on the ice. The next time when I go ice skating, I will have to try implementing some of these basic, but more advanced techniques.

One aspect of this event that I enjoyed most was being with fellow Rose Scholars, two of whom are my close friends. As the semester progresses, it is difficult for us to attend events together. This was an awesome way for us to catch up and relax. Although, it took a lot of concentration and tensing of muscles for me to try and not fall.

In addition to all of the laughter and smiles, I grew an even deeper appreciation for the sport. I know Caitlan outside of Rose House and to see her in her element, enjoying teaching something that she loves was really wonderful. I needed her help on the ice for a bit, too! Figure skating and speed skating are two Winter Olympic events that I have always liked watching on television. The athletes always make gliding on the ice look so simple and elegant. However, my own experience of getting on the ice every time is usually anything but graceful. Therefore, I truly value the focus and commitment that goes into the sport.

I hope that this can be a yearly event for future scholars to attend!

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