Slipping, Sliding & Skating

Saturday I went to the open skate event offered by Rose House. I was very excited to go to this event as I hadn’t been skating in ages. Before this event I had really only been skating once before and I remembered it being fun after I had gotten the hang of it, so I brought a friend along so we could have fun together.

Once we got our skates on and laced up we headed out onto the ice… and it was awful at first. I felt like I couldn’t move and was slipping all over the place! Caitlin then showed us how to get up if we fall and how regular walking wouldn’t work on ice and soon after I got the hang of moving forward, but not quite skating yet! More like sliding around. She also showed us some other skills such as stopping and skating backward – neither of which I managed to accomplish.

After a little while I began to gain confidence in my skating abilities. What really helped was when I let go of my fears of falling and realized that even if I fell the worst that would probably happen is getting a bruise or two! I did end up falling a few times but it wasn’t so bad! I ended up having a lot fun, and I am looking forward to going ice skating again.

I also somehow made it onto Cornell’s Instagram!

West Campus residents headed up to Lynah Rink for open ice skating this afternoon. #cornell

A photo posted by Cornell University (@cornelluniversity) on

One thought on “Slipping, Sliding & Skating

  1. I saw this picture on Cornell’s instagram – congrats on being featured!

    I’m glad that you enjoyed skating and agree that it was a great idea for a Rose House event. Hopefully we can all go again soon.

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