Round and Round We Go…

When I was little, my dad actually used to build us a skating rink in our backyard – we would screw together a frame and lay giant sheets of plastic down in it, and then we would fill it with water and wait for it to freeze over. And if you poked a hole in the plastic with a toe pick, boy were you in trouble! Its cool to know that our awesome hockey team used to do the same thing, waiting for the water to freeze over, before Lynah was built. The rink is a great place that I frequent often, as an avid Cornell Hockey fan. Today Caitlan was an awesome teacher, especially for teaching us how to skate backwards and how to get up after falling! I thankfully didn’t have to use the second skill today, but my friends did! We all laughed when one friend fell flat on his back on camera (but was okay!).

The best part about the event for me though was pulling a friend who didn’t know how to skate around and around the rink until she somewhat got the hang of gliding, instead of walking, on her skates. It was a really great time and I am so glad we had this event.

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