Icy Fun

I used to love ice skating as a kid, but I had not gone in about 8 years. So when I saw Rose House was having an open skate at Lynah Rink, I got excited to try ice skating again. And it was a lot of fun! I did not remember how to ice skate, but SA Caitlan was extremely helpful in teaching everyone at the event to skate. She also taught us some cool tricks, like skating backwards. While I wasn’t able to master the backwards skating, everyone that could looked great doing it! There were also a lot of people there who were very good, and it was a lot of fun watching them on the ice.

I also found the history of Lynah Rink very interesting. Before the rink was built, the team played on Beebe Lake. So when the winters weren’t cold and the lake didn’t freeze over, the hockey team had to completely skip the season. Since we have a good hockey program, I can’t imagine our team having to miss out on a season, like they would have had to this year. With the very mild winter we’re having this year, it was great to spend time on the indoor ice!

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