Ice Skating Bringing Everyone Together!

Band-aids? Check. Cellphone?  Check.  Extra pair of socks?  Check.  Today, I was ready to step into the Lynah ice rink for the third time with the goal of not falling down, but then realized I completely forgot how to skate.

Fortunately, there was a brief ice skating lesson teaching the basics of form and movement.  I was really grateful that one of the instructors came over to critique my movements. I believe ice skating brings out your most vulnerable self if you are newbie for fear of falling and making a fool out of yourself.  However, everyone purposely fell down during the ice skating lesson so that made me feel less self-conscious of myself.  After this experience, I think ice skating is best when you’re practicing with friends.  Whenever I was worried about falling, they would always be there to support me…until they were tired of how slowly I moved (haha).

Overall, I would love it if Rose Scholars could repeat this event to bring everyone closer together.  I think everyone had a good time.  Next time though, I plan to bring thicker socks.

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