Looking at the current pandemic, it was extremely interesting to see the similarities in the American response to COVID-19 and the Russian response to the Chernobyl explosion. The dynamic of policy versus science is very relevant to we see today in American politics and has significantly impacted the ways the virus has affected Americans. Unfortunately, the phrase “history repeats itself” is seen to well here.
Another deep impression that the episode left me was the need for politicians and scientists to be involved and educated on the various external factors that affect the course of their fields. For instance, the idea that these individuals should stick to making comments or contributions within only their specific professional expertise is extremely dangerous in situations as seen with Chernobyl. Scientists should be a part of the conversation of policy and course of action, as should politicians be opened to truly understanding the various aspects that affect the people they are representing in government. As a Human Ecology student, this interdisciplinary approach to the study of medicine is extremely important in order to make effective changes in healthcare, which is something that the actions of the Russian government in this episode made clearer to me.
I really liked how you made a connection between the present and the movie. I thought that the movie did a great job displaying the dynamic relationship between the scientists and politicians.