Meaningful Reflection

Being able to attend the personal mission statement workshop gave me a great opportunity to self-reflect on my goals and overall purpose. I’m glad the session was small because it allowed for more interaction and made the workshop very engaging. As classes get heavier with the workload it sometimes gets hard to take a step back and reflect on why we’re studying in the first place. So, for me, this session allowed me to take that step back and understand what I value, what I aspire for, and the people that I want to be included in my journey. 


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One thought on “Meaningful Reflection

  1. I think that with the busy load of classes, it can be hard to critically reflect on the things that we have accomplished. I think if everyone were to take time to reflect on things such as a class they attended or an exam they took, they would learn to appreciate what they got out of performing the activity rather than what is going to happen next.