Testing Tenacity

First Man gives us a look into Neil Armstrong’s life. I believe that he has been a very private man much of his life but it was interesting to learn more about him. It was sad to see that Armstrong’s daughter passed very young with a brain tumor. He joined NASA’s Gemini program in hopes of overcoming this difficult personal struggle and in the hopes of making a fresh start. It becomes quite apparent throughout the film that Armstrong’s tenacity and resolve to reach the Moon is tested further by the death of his friend Elliot in a plane crash and his fellow astronauts in a fire during a test for the Apollo 1 mission. I never knew of this incredible amount of personal struggle that Armstrong had to deal with to reach the level of success he did. It really makes me curious whether it possibly helped to numb him from the pain of potentially losing his own life by embarking on such a dangerous mission. This film really reminded me to understand how there is so much more to a person’s success than meets the eye.

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