Due to technical difficulties, we were unable to watch Boys State. However, we watched another episode of Our Planet, specifically the Jungles one. This was, like last week, enjoyable to watch and eye-opening. The close-up cameras allowed me to see things I would never have seen. For example, I learned that some birds must perform a flashy, choreographed dance for females. I thought this was funny because it almost seemed very human like where we have to really do a lot to impress other people. I also saw a live take of a worm trap a cockroach and eat it. This one was particularly strange because the worm shot some glue at it and it’s cool to see how evolution has prepared so many different creatures with specific tools to help them survive. Finally, I enjoyed learning about Eden the orangutan. It was interesting to see how the overall orangutan family had ranges of experience and responsibilities, just like a normal human family. Overall, I think I took away from this experience how we are not completely different from the animals on our planet – there are many characteristics and behaviors that we can relate to.
I think this is so interesting! I agree that we are not entirely different from animals in terms of behaviors and characteristics. Although I did not participate in this event, I do enjoy learning more about nature and how ecosystems work. After reading you description, I think I will watch Our Planet.