Our Planet – Forests

The incredible visuals of Our Planet are what make this series stand out. This “Forests” episode was a pleasure to watch. A scene that really stood out included an eagle trying to claim a place on the river for food but failing due to not being strong enough. This forced it to have to search for another place for salmon during the very harsh and freezing winter. I thought it was interesting to see how critical competition is at the heart of survival for animals. Another scene that really stood out to me was the introduction of the fact that vegetation had grown in Chernobyl despite it being declared uninhabitable for the next 20,000 years. This consequently brought along animals to this site. I find it inspiring to see how the presence of natural life draws the attention of animals. We need to support the preservation of forests and the wilderness to continue to allow nature to thrive, otherwise this could lead to extinction of many flora and fauna at an alarming rate.

One thought on “Our Planet – Forests

  1. I did not attend this session but it sounds like it was such an incredible experience. I really enjoy environmental science and learning about the Earth so I think I would have liked this. I can’t believe it will be uninhabitable for the next 20,000 years. That’s wild!