Fall Reflection Conversation

Earlier today, I joined other Rose residents for a relaxed and open discussion about how we are feeling with all the current changes going on. It was honestly very nice to be able to talk through some of my worries to welcoming ears and hear from others as well. We discussed a variety of things from difficulties with online classes, to our transitions home for Fall part II, to preparation for finals. Overall, it was great to participate and realize that even though I am home now, I am not totally alone as many other Cornell students who are in similar boats and share many of the same worries as myself. It was also nice as we were able to give advice to each other and suggestions regarding the different problems we are facing. I really enjoyed meeting everyone at the event and had a nice time generally talking!

2 thoughts on “Fall Reflection Conversation

  1. I loved your reflection! I think a very important aspect of human nature that we should all rely on is the sense of community, especially during such difficult times. Cornell is notoriously known for being a challenging institution in many aspects besides academics, which is why it is essential to establish the core values of cooperation and teamwork.

  2. I think that’s really great that you were able to connect with other students and share experiences about the semester. I think this semester has been especially hard for everyone, and its important to find community and share our experiences with others!