The Answer Is…

As a huge trivia and Jeopardy! fan, this event was perfect.  I was saddened by the fact that Alex Trebek, the iconic Jeopardy! host passed away a week before the event.  Doing trivia with friends was a great way for me to remember him.  My friend and I liked to compare answers after we entered them in and it was fun to see which answers we thought were correct, especially when we were absolutely clueless about what the answer was!  I enjoyed playing Kahoot!, a game that I loved playing in high school but have not played since then.  It was great to play different topics including Cornell trivia!  There are so many things that I do not know about the school that I attend!  Did you know that we had a brain collection?  I did not until the trivia game.  (Part of it is on display in Uris Hall if you want to visit.)  This event was a fun way to take a break from studying for my semi-finals and the perfect opportunity to brush up on my guessing skills.  As a trivia lover, I know that there is no way for me to possibly know everything, but making educated guesses based on what I do know is a very useful skill, and will get you a very good answer most of the time.  I just hope that my guessing skills are good enough to rescue me during my semi-finals!!

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