Informative and Enjoyable Table Talk with Dr. Lombardi

I always thought Dr. Lombardi was a really nice guy judging by his continual encouraging emails about students’ COVID efforts on campus, and after getting to sit down with him during a table talk this belief has been more than confirmed. He seemed genuinely happy to talk to all of us and answer our questions about COVID-19, move in, spring semester plans, and so much more. I am so happy to be at a place like Cornell where the faculty value our opinions and concerns. I thought an exciting point made was that Dr. Lombardi estimates 40-50% of classes will be in person next semester, compared to the around 25% this semester. Cornell is also hoping to allow in person student life events quicker next semester so long as our COVID numbers stay down.

2 thoughts on “Informative and Enjoyable Table Talk with Dr. Lombardi

  1. I was not able to attend the talk with VP Lombardi, but like many of the scholars, I am hoping more classes are in-person next semester. The fact that Cornell has done well keeping COVID-19 under control gives me hope that there will be more face-to-face interactions (with masks of course). I appreciate that Dr. Lombardi was able to meet with the scholars and the scholars were able to voice their concerns and get answers. As has been proven to me time and time again, Cornell faculty are not as distant as I thought.

  2. I agree that it was really nice and encouraging to be able to speak to VP Ryan Lombardi. I am also very excited to hopefully have more in person classes next semester and more activities.