The third episode of Chernobyl took a dark turn, focusing on the aftermath of the disaster. It was truly devastating to see how the radiation took such an intense physical toll on people’s bodies. I was particularly very taken aback at the damage the radiation had done to Ignatenko, the firefighter. It was very upsetting for his wife to have to see him suffering throughout the process of radiation sickness, especially knowing that she was expecting a child with him. This focus on Ignatenko and his wife really emphasized just how gruesome the effects of radiation and the Chernobyl incident as a whole were. The fact that there are so many other people that were affected in similar ways due to the nuclear explosion is overwhelming and extremely depressing to think about.
This part of the episode with Ignatenko was equally upsetting to me because the mom is expecting new life while also dealing with death. I know that the radiation was devastating for multiple families, but that scene pulled on my heartstrings the most. The entire episode was saddening and overwhelming for me as well.