Using Reflection to Turn Experiences into Growth Experiences

Professor Schwarz’s talk seminar “How to Succeed in College and Beyond: The Art of Learning” served as a reminder to maintain diligence during my time at college and his insights also sparked some new ideas for me to consider.

Some of these insightful reminders include going beyond what was required of you in classes, mastering time-management, not forgetting learning for life, and taking advantage of summer internships. Even though I attempt to do these things currently, I still am concerned that I could find my work and actions to be a source of regret if I later find out I lacked information to proceed in a way better suited for me.

So, when Professor Schwarz stressed the value of reflecting on one’s actions to turn regular experiences into growth experiences, it became more clear that participating more in this process will help me to fill in information gaps and to make more informed decisions.

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