Catching Sun and Reflecting Experiences

Making fall leaf suncatchers allowed me an opportunity to build on a previous Rose event with Professor Schwartz, where during the event, he stressed the importance of taking time to reflect on experiences so they may become growth experiences.

GRF Karina set a kind and safe atmosphere by playing nice music and welcoming us to interact with each other, albeit via Zoom.  With this backdrop of cozy laid-back interaction, I soon found myself somewhere between cutting paper and thinking about how I could have improved my week. And I also replayed in my mind what I enjoyed most about the week’s events and how I was grateful for this suncatcher event that allowed me the time to think freely.

One thought on “Catching Sun and Reflecting Experiences

  1. This event was very relaxing and also allowed me to reflect on my thoughts. I really like your sun catcher. Putting it on the lamp is such a great idea, as the light from there can shine through.