Thinking vaguely about future plans

I signed up for the seminar mainly to force myself to think concretely about it. Before it was like, oh, I guess I’ll go to grad school, oh, that’s not something I need to bother with now, and the train of thought ended there. But having the process outlined in front of me really made me think about why I was even considering going in the first place. Just because it felt like the right thing to do? Or because I couldn’t come to terms with already somehow being halfway through my academic years? Even now, I’m still not so sure.

The seminar itself was a bit scary at times, but extremely informative. It really turned “grad school” from this vague idea to something I could realistically start thinking about and plan for. I mean, I still barely have any idea of what I want to do, but at least I now know how to go about it. It was a good reminder to take a step back and evaluate my choices and what I’m aiming to do. Previously it was just fulfilling base requirements regarding classes, but now I’m reminded that I’m close to the point where I really have to start making choices…

One thought on “Thinking vaguely about future plans

  1. I’m also very stressed and undecided when it comes to thinking about what I want to do with my future, so it’s nice to hear that there are others in a similar boat. It sounds like the seminar was helpful even if it was a bit scary!