Just a (Music) Note to Remember

Music has always been a big part of my life.  I grew up to my parents listening to tunes from their childhood while they do literally anything.  My mom always listens to the radio as she washes vegetables, cleans the house, or folds laundry.  My dad puts on his favorite songs as he works, plays cards, or drives to work.  When my parents were listening to their music, they shared their favorite memories and songs.  Their faces would glow when they heard a favorite song, remembering something special that they associated with the song.  As I grew up, I began placing favorite memories with favorite songs.  I cannot help but think of the fun I had in the stands as a marching band member when I hear Queen’s “Crazy Little Thing Called Love,” feeling the vibrations in the bleachers from the tubas blasting the walking bass.  Music defines a lot of my memories and hearing the music that others enjoy or was meaningful to them was a treat because it made me wonder what they were thinking of when they heard their selected song.  My song, “Islands in the Stream” is meaningful to me because of my love of disco and how it reminds me of watching a BeeGees concert on TV with my mom and aunt, dancing and singing to all our favorite songs.  I hope everyone was happily reliving a fond memory and created new memories with roommates, friends, or family during the program.

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