Food on the Brain

Last Wednesday, I attended the Becker/Rose talk given by faculty members of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, where I learned a great deal about the thought processes people have when making food choices. Being a very indecisive human being, I found it fascinating to learn just how much thought actually goes into each decision we make. We make thousands of decisions a day, and if I only struggle with one or two, I’d say that’s a pretty good track record…

While I found everything to be incredibly interesting (and validating), I couldn’t help but wonder whether such research was doing more harm than good. No doubt, we’re facing an obesity epidemic, and it’s important that we understand our thoughts around food if we want to change that. We must remember, however, that we are also facing an epidemic of eating disorders. Lying on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, ED’s stem from a desire for control which manifests itself as an obsession with food. For those suffering from ED’s, it is often a case of overthinking, and such research merely encourages that overly-analytical behavior. The speakers talked about how they use the results of their studies to influence consumers, but I think they would do well to look further into the effects of their work on those with eating disorders.

I know we can’t realistically shelter everyone from each new study comes out… But I do think we can be more careful about how we present the information.

2 thoughts on “Food on the Brain

  1. But without going to the talk, I think that the research has penetrated into lives of many students. A lot of the dining halls have implemented what their work has presented, but I agree with you in the sense that potential research in eating disorders can definitely benefit the student body.

  2. Don’t you agree that the obesity rate is almost twice that of those diagnosed with an eating disorder? I agree that we need to think about potential risks of publishing more studies, but the world needs to learn these little tips and tricks to get their lives back and begin to get healthy.

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