The Power of Touch

In the midst of a very stressful and academically challenging week, touch brought me comfort. The comfort of a hand on my shoulder to express solidarity. A shake of a hand, to symbolize thanks for a great semester. The deep hug of two bodies to display gratitude for a late night study session. A kiss on the cheek to welcome.


This sense has power to heal. This sense has the power to transform. The sense has the ability to connect people to one another. For those of us not numb to Ithaca’s cold winters, we have the opportunity to feel.  While many see touch as only physical , the essence of touch extends far greater. After receiving a compliment or a gift, you’ll hear someone say, ” I’m touched.” This stems from the innate belief we all carry that touching someone is about creating a feeling – a feeling that lingers within. As humans, I believe that community is vital for mental stability and emotional growth. That’s why I strive so hard to ensure that those closest to me will only touch me positivity. Touch from the wrong person, in the wrong way, can destroy your confidence and security.

For most people petting puppies would bring joy; for a student who is allergic to animal fur, like me, this wasn’t ideal. But as I sat watching my classmates interact with these puppies, I started to feel their same emotions. I was excited, warm and eager to play. Within moments, touching these animals changed the atmosphere in the room.

Interestingly, I saw an interesting connection between touch and sight. The goal of this event was to pet puppies. But these dogs weren’t just ordinary puppies, they were puppies training to guide the blind and other that may be lacking full capability of any of their senses. The touch of a dog with a young child with autism can reduce “bolting” a reaction autistic children express when stressed. The touch of a dog softly guiding a blind adult. All these exhibit the power of touch and this one sense can transform the lives of many individuals.

2 thoughts on “The Power of Touch

  1. So poetic! I’m glad that you were able to find a deeper meaning out of this event and an enjoyable study break.

  2. Wow, this was really well-written. I’m really glad that you could actually feel the change in energy in the room (even though you weren’t able to pet the dogs yourself)!

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