The Collision of Science and Religion

When I went to hear Professor Sloan talk about whether the trial of Galileo was of science or religion was expecting to hear much more about this specific case. Instead he presented us with a very brief history in order to set up for a discussion. I found what he presented about Galileo to be quite interesting, for example his theories about the world not being geocentric but rather being heliocentric and the data that Galileo had to back this statement. I also found it interesting that Galileo was placed on house arrest even though he recanted what he had previously said. I think I would have liked to hear a bit more about how this case was science or religion and the ideas that others have presented in this. I usually do not enjoy history as I am more of a science person, however this is one aspect of history that I have always found interesting due to its revolutionary nature.

I find it interesting how we as humans are so apt to believe whatever the newest theory or idea is or whatever makes humans seem the most important. With the earth being geocentric, people believed it and it made us look important. When Galileo presented the idea that the Earth instead revolved around the sun, people thought it was ridiculous and absurd, however it is right. But if the world revolved around the Earth, humans were not that important, or at least not as important as people thought we were. this idea, I believe was a trial by a government highly influenced by religion that had little to do with science.

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