Tough life

The movie dope was a very interesting and inspirational movie. While it was a great comedy, it is also a story about social issues within African American Culture. At the same time,  the movie was very inspirational because it showed the power of determination and friendship. Though there was some violence in the movie, it was not disturbing because it portrayed violence as a person’s stupidity and ignorance rather than  sheer cruelty. Therefore, I found the movie enjoyable and informative about our modern world.

As a person that has not lived in a major American city, I have not had much exposure to African American culture. Though I have read books and news articles about racial violence and discrimination, I know that it is not the same thing as living in that culture. Being that this movie was also fictional, there was probably many aspects of African American culture that was filtered out of the movie. However, I did find it interesting to watch the different culture behaviors within the african American Culture. It was also surprising to see the high security around public schools within these Black neighborhoods. This would never be found in a white-majority neighborhood. The movie thus depicted the still lingering inequalities within American cities. I therefore found this movie very informative and a very culturally enriching experience.

While the movie took place in a poor black neighborhood, the main character was about a smart African American teenager who was considered a geek in his school. While his school had extremely low academic standards, he was determined to make his way up the social ladder and attend Harvard. Even though both his teachers and community discouraged such ideas, he kept fighting his way through and eventually attained his goal. This made me think about all the suffering people on this planet. While only a small percentage are privileged, most are struggling just to survive. As a student surrounded by a privileged community that is focusing on their future career, it is easy to forget that a great percentage of people are living on a day to day basis. Thus, I found this movie to be both enjoyable and informative about poor African American life.

One thought on “Tough life

  1. I didn’t get a chance to see the movie, but I want to. I appreciate how the film incites many types of emotions as it has comedic aspects as well as solemn and inspirational ones. What draws me to the film is that it describes a story of a “smart African American teenager who was considered a geek,” which is one not often or ever portrayed in Hollywood.

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