One of the best parts about living in Ithaca, is the constant inspiration in the nature surrounding Cornell. Coming from a city with limited seasons and not much of scenic nature, Ithaca has been such a pleasant view. I have never experienced Fall, and watched the plants change color with such amusement.

In the art show, the theme was plants. This art prints was based on a book about poisonous plants. I enjoyed the art show because I saw plants in a way I had never seen before. The plants had vivid and life-like characteristics as if they were going to come out and attack me. All of the art’s subjects were straight from the Cornell Plantations. I constantly visit the plantations whenever I am stressed and enjoyed seeing the artistic perspective during this art show. I would definitely recommend stopping by Flora Rose and seeing the prints.

4 thoughts on “POISON

  1. I can definitely relate to you in that my home region back in CA is not very seasonally dynamic. It gets hot and then a bit cold–that’s pretty much it. The fall foliage here and the diversity of plants has really contributed to my amazing Cornell experience. I’m sure I’m really going to miss it once I graduate!!

  2. I’m also from California so I can definitely relate, too. I have yet to trek up to the plantations this year, although your response really reminded me to do so before it begins to snow!

  3. I think it is interesting that the artist chose poisonous plants as their subject. When I think of paintings and prints of plants I imagine some pleasant flowers or trees, but this artist clearly appreciates a different type of plant. I will make sure to take a closer look at these prints if I get the chance

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