Would a sea of glass make a more fragile ocean?

If ever there has been a CafĂ© series event that has made me reconsider my future career goals to instead one day drop everything to pursue a passion, it was easily yesterday’s talk with Drew Harvell. It was clear by her enthusiasm (and the career-long dedication to the project) that she is very passionate about the marine ecosystem and the glass models that are being restored. The idea of traveling the world to study marine life and comparing the findings to century-old artwork is somehow, dare I say, cool in its very essence. To add to this, her work has already seemed to immensely improve documentation of marine invertebrates, and even the study of pathologies in these marine ecosystems. While this may not seem impressive to some, there is great value in increasing our knowledge in such a way in any field; furthermore, the health of marine ecosystems has enormous economic and public health implications, in relation to the commercial seafood industry.

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