Sonic Reflections of My Life: Confusion and Beauty

On Sunday, October 4th, Jack DeJohnette’s Made in Chicago, was a sonic reflection of my life. The avant-garde jazz music was not like great consonance to my ears. It was a feeling – one that was too familiar.

The great dissonance and chaos that pulled the music together reminded me of life. Alone, each sound was beautiful, but together it they were misunderstood. Yet they painted a picture, not easily seen or understood. The sounds never truly stopped. Continuous sounds that strung the audience along, indicating that there was more. With every selection, every featured instrument seemed to take the lead on transitioning into the next song, and back to the chaos. By the end of the show, it made sense. They had just told a beautiful story – one not quite understand or beautiful as other jazz stories.

In an odd way, my life is very similar. Every goal, opportunity, or person, in my life is beautiful. All together it can be hectic, frustrating and not easily understood. Even during the show I could not snap out of my reality to truly enjoy, as I had to engage with the many facets of my life at once – just like the music. Yet, living is a beautiful thing! One great opportunity, family event, or friendship experience, keeps me going from one part of life to the next – similar to the selections of the show. And when I’m old, with beautiful gray hair, in a state of life, I could have only dreamed of, like Made in Chicago, I will see a much bigger and more beautiful picture. One that might not be understood or seen by all, but one that reflects the intricacies and beauties of the life I have lived.

At the end of the day, life really seems to be an endless cycle of confusion and beauty.

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