Greenhouse vegetable IPM update 1.20.20

Working on that New Year’s resolution to get updates out more frequently!  So even one counts, right?  You have to start somewhere.

Powdery mildew on leafy greens can be an issue this time of year if ventilation is reduced and humidity levels rise.  Hort Americas has an article.

Looking for resistant varieties?  VegMD has a list – good for other crops and diseases, too.

Meg McGrath’s biopesticide list (Make sure they are labeled for greenhouse/high tunnel use.)


And a workshop on leafy greens, too! Extreme Season Extension of Salad Greens – January 25, 2020, 203 N. Hamilton St., Watertown NY – 1:00-3:00.  It’s FREE!


For a little extra flavor with that salad, how about downy mildew resistant basil?  Rutgers has a series of resistant cultivars and with the list is a lot of information on the research they are doing to make sure the resistance holds up.  They note that this resistance isn’t immunity but does delay the incidence of the disease so you need to consider an integrated system of management with good cultural practices to prevent the disease.

And here’s an E-Gro Edible Alert (do not lick your screen) on managing basil downy mildew in the greenhouse.


It’s a sunny day here and I hope it is for you, too!


Have a great week!