The Dangers of Online Auctions
Source: In modern society, online auctions have become popularized through online retailers such as eBay. On these websites, sellers can post the good they desire to sell, and set specific auction standards such as beginning price, price interval increases, and duration of the auction. On eBay, all of the auctions are considered second-price sealed bid […]
Marketing Clearing Prices in Denver Housing Market
Denver is one of the hottest housing markets in the country. However, rising mortgage rates, increasing home prices, and a new tax law that limits the benefits home ownership has caused a slowdown in both the Denver housing market and the housing markets of cities across the US. Prices for housing is still growing, but […]
Youtube as A Matching Market
In a complex way, the relationship between Youtubers and their viewers is a matching market. In this example, the viewers would be the buyers and the Youtubers would be the sellers. Youtubers want to increase the amount of views they get per video because the more views a video receives, the higher it appears on […]
PageRank Patent Update This article relates to a patent that Google updated relating to PageRank, the algorithm that affects how sites are ranked. The changes that were adjusted affect the building of links by calculating distances between authoritative/truthful sites and the sites it links to (further divided by topic.).Untrustworthy sites usually have far distances to authoritative sites […]
How North and South Korean Avoided Falling into an Information Cascade Everyone around the world knows about the tense history between North and South Korea. For many years, both countries have been on their toes and have been waiting for potentially either war or another political argument. However, a couple of months ago, history was made and both countries were able to make peace at […]
2007-08 Financial Crisis The resource being linked is from Investopedia about the 2007-2008 financial crisis and how it causes damage beyond the United States borders. It also mentions the lead-up and demise of the subprime loans market. It does mention that the beginnings of the crisis can be traced back to December of 2001. This is […]
Marriage Matching Market The idea of perfect matching market can be applied to other situations in the real world besides just the buying and selling of goods and services. Matching market basically applies to any thing that requires pairs to form with no pairs overlapping in the sense that one node doesn’t connect to two different nodes, […]
How Information Cascades Affect the Stock Market
The stock market is one of the prime and greatest examples of an information cascade. Many people blindly make decisions solely on the basis of someone else’s decision, and most likely the other person made their decision based on someone else’s decision. Stock market trends happen often due to information cascades. Often, information cascades result […]
Why Do Songs Sound the Same: Information Cascades in Popular Music A rather annoying phenomenon in radio, especially in Top-40 radio, is stations playing the same few popular songs over and over again. For example, it is not uncommon to be listening to a radio station, hear a specific song, switch to a different station, and hear that new station playing the exact same […]
Is it free will or is it cascade? In SOC 2580, “Six Pretty Good Books”, the only book that has been listed on the syllabus for several consecutive semesters is “Everything is Obvious, Once You Know the Answer: How Common Sense Fails Us” by Duncan Watts (link). In his book, Watts summarizes one of his most famous study “Music Lab”. When […]
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