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First Price Auctions Back Up for Online Marketing Platforms Recently, there has been a shift in online advertising and digital marketing techniques to promote first price auctions as opposed to second price auctions in online advertising systems. Previously, when the online market place began its compilation of auction data, first price auctions caused a lot of distress for both advertisers and ad platforms […]

Search industry and Advertising price: Amazon Ad Market

Article: Amazon Sets Its Sights on the $88 Billion Online Ad Market by Julie Creswell   The article talks about how Amazon, which has already reshaped and dominated the online retail landscape, is quickly gathering momentum in a new, highly profitable arena: online advertising. This is an example of a company doing novel work […]

Safety and Security with Voting Machines In this article published on State Tech Magazine’s website, web editor Phil Goldstein examines the network related complexities to securing voting and elections in our nation. Given the extensive media coverage on Russian interference in the 2016 election, many have been in talks about the possibility of any compromises in that election result. As […]

Bidding to ensure maximum investment   The article addresses a $10 Billion auction by the Pentagon for a cloud computing contract. This Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract (JEDI), has been made to be alluring to companies that do not normally do business with the Department of Defense. The auction is a flavor of the first price auction, where the […]

Can DuckDuckGo overtake Google without PageRank algorithm?

As privacy becomes more and more of a concern, the use of DuckDuckGo over Google is rising. People are concerned about Google tracking users searches and clicks, as well as presenting ads based on previous history, and allowing the ads to track you. DuckDuckGo only presents ads based on your search terms and doesn’t track […]

Google Crypto Ad Reversal Google is an industry leader for advertisements. One of the main streams of revenue for Google is how they charge for clicks on ads. This ad published by explains how Google has reversed its ban on pay per click ads on Bitcoin. Companies from the United States and Japan will now be able […]

Other applications of PageRank

From class we saw that PageRank was used to rank nodes in a graph based on network measures. Designed by Google founders, PageRank is an algorithm designed to use the structure of the internet to determine the relative relevance of each page in the internet. It assigns a numerical rank to each indexed web page, […]

Applying Network Exchange Theory to the Trade War With China

The attached article references the recent trade war that has erupted between China and the United States. This initially started with President Donald Trump continuously claiming during his campaign that the United States had been swindled for years, regarding trade with China. As a result, he imposed tariffs on Chinese exports several months ago. China […]

Machine Learning vs. Page Ranking (2006)

Source: Technology moves fast, and it’s no surprise that PageRank, Google’s breakthrough algorithm for their main product, has been replaced with more refined technologies. In this paper, Microsoft researchers (in 2006!) showed that their own machine learning-based search algorithm outperformed PageRank in static ranking. Static ranking is defined as non-user-customized search, basically what Google is […]

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Google’s Ad Pricing Strategy   Everyone uses google search. I realized that I use google search more often than I thought, and that I never really thought about the algorithms used to produce the results of my search. This article goes through an overview of how SEO (search engine optimization) companies know what they know about this ranking […]

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October 2018
