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Apple, iPhone, and Cascades

Recently, Apple has released its new iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple Watch, and just last week, Apple has released its iPhone X to the public. According to the article, , “the company has sold more than 1.2 billion iPhones over the past decade… but last year had a substantial decline in revenue as many consumers rejected […]

Network Clusters in Modern Politics This article by the Pew Research Center, titled “The demographic trends shaping American politics in 2016 and beyond”, explains several trends behind why American politics are becoming more segmented, with groups of similar demographics voting in the same direction and adopting the same identities and values. These trends include the concept of “think-alike […]

Harvey Weinstein and Network Effects This article talks about the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault case and how it cause many more men to be accused of sexual harassment. Before the Harvey Weinstein allegations were made public, other sexual harassment cases by internationally recognized actresses did not cause such an increase in sexual harassment cases. However after the Weinstein accusations, […]

Information Cascades and Social Media Websites

In an article titled “Going Viral Doesn’t Make You Popular,” the author interviewed Derek Thompson, writer of Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distinction. Thompson argues that “distribution is more important than content when it comes to popularity.” In other words, quantity is more important than quality, despite what many people […]

Informational cascades in honeybee’s swarming behavior

In lecture, we discuss about information cascade, which describes how individuals makes decisions based on not their well being but on the decisions of others, thereby neglecting what truly matters. However, this definition is simply an applied definition since every “social interactions are never just person-to-person, but instead, every agent interacting with another might bring […]

Could social media be tearing us apart?

In the article “Could social media be tearing us apart?”, Jerry Daykin observes how social networks have contributed to an eccentric political scene. Through posts, comments, tweets, and many more information cascade methods social media platforms offer society today, the development of controversial opinions and allowing people to share their own personal thoughts have never […]

Studying game theory from a game   Konrad Grabiszewski and Alex Horenstein, from University of Miami, developed games for smartphones in an attempt to learn about how people perceive and solve problems, and what types of problems are too difficult for some people to analyze. Specifically, using games that they have made they can analyze how people behave when using […]

Baye’s Theorem in the Justice System

In many courtrooms across the world, Baye’s Theorem is used to make informed decisions given incomplete evidence.  This is both to make a more mathematical argument for the probability of guilt, and also to reduce logical fallacies make my jurors and legal officials, such as the prosecutor’s fallacy, where people often confuse the odds associated […]

Waiting – The Power of Lines

When you think of long lines there are a variety of feelings that come to mind – anxiety, excitement, frustration – the list goes on. Long lines can often be a source of dread, but when managed efficiently to reduce frustration there can be some enticing economic benefits. An information cascade is formed when an […]

Information Cascades Through The Number Of Retweets

It’s interesting to see technology and information cascades as a benefit in forms of education and learning, but also as an enabler of the proliferation of fake news and rapid spread of information across social media platforms. No matter if the information is accurate or fake, information spreads like there’s no tomorrow in a way […]

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November 2017
