Home for the Holidays

Given the current pandemic, the holiday season might feel quite different this year. However, it can still be full of celebrations with friends and family, as well as delicious food and great memories. While enjoying the holiday, remember to prioritize your health and safety and that of  your loved ones. In this post, we are going to share some tips on how to celebrate holidays in a healthy way!


Wash your hands often and practice food safety

Washing your hands frequently can help prevent the spread of germs. Practicing food safety can also help to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Remember to follow the four simple steps: clean, separate, cook, and chill. You can refer to our previous post on Food Safety Basics for more information.

Enjoy food in moderation

Delicious foods are an integral part of the holiday season, but you might want to enjoy them in moderation. One key tip is to slow down and practice mindful eating which can help you appreciate the flavor and also avoid overeating. 

Enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables provide many health benefits and also help add colors and flavors to your holiday meals. Take time to enjoy them as well as other holiday treats. Look out for our upcoming Winter Wonders series for more information on seasonal produce including squash, parsnip, and more.

Make exercise part of the fun

Physical activities are beneficial for both physical and mental well being. There are different ways to incorporate them into your celebrations. You can refer to our previous post on Winter Games for more ideas on staying active during the holidays. 

Take time for yourself

Even though the holiday season is full of celebrations, it can also be overwhelming at times. Enjoying a few minutes of quiet time can be beneficial to your health. Take the time for yourself and enjoy a warm bath, a cup of coffee, or other things that you like. Look out for our upcoming coffee post in the Home for the Holiday series for ideas on homemade drinks. You can refer to our previous post on Bye Bye Stress for additional ways to help lessen the stress. 

Above are just some simple tips on how to celebrate holidays in healthy ways. Let us know how your family will be celebrating the holidays this year by commenting below! 

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