Bye Bye Stress

Life can give you a lot of reasons to feel stressed. Sometimes it’s hard to take a step back and give yourself the time to breathe. Having a lot of stress over a long period of time can impact you in a big way. It impacts how you eat; for example, stress eating, irregular meals, lack of planned meals, or for some people, it means  losing their appetite. Stress can result in serious health conditions like anxiety, difficulty sleeping (insomnia), tired muscles, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system!

These can impact you and your family so let’s go over ways we can lessen the stress you all may be dealing with!

When you’re down, move around! 

A great way to help your emotional health is to move and be physically active. This will increase the endorphins made in your body. Endorphins are hormones that lower pain and discomfort and improve your mood, which is why we feel better when we exercise. Something as simple as a nice walk in the neighborhood or even jumping around with the kids can achieve this result!

Get enough sleep

Your mood is affected by lack of sleep. Try taking a power nap (if you can) or go to bed earlier! Stay off your phone at least one hour before bed or make a relaxing routine before sleeping. This can be as simple as reading or listening to music before hitting the hay.



Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and reduce high blood pressure. It has also been known to increase one’s mindfulness which allows you to make better choices. This can make you curb a craving since stress may make you crave sweet foods as comfort food.

Drink some tea

Some great herbal teas that provide comfort are mint teas and chamomile tea to wind down at the end of a long day.

These teas are especially great since the menthol in the mint is a natural muscle relaxant and chamomile is an anti-inflammatory. This helps you feel less tense and more able to relax.

Try it! Meditation Exercise

  • Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes
  • Breathe normally and try not to control it
  • Pay attention to how your body moves and how your breath moves in and out
  • You can do this for 2-3 minutes

Stress be gone! Now that you know some ways to unwind and practice self care. Let us know how you unwind and practice self care!

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