DeStress Monday: Shift to the Positive

Life can be stressful at times. This constant stress can be harmful to your body. It has been found to affect mood, sleep, eating habits, and a wide range of health issues. Considering the time we are in now, it is even more important to take time for yourself to relax and destress.

DeStress Monday is a campaign that encourages people to practice mindfulness and positivity on Monday to help manage stress for the week. In Bye Bye Stress, we talked about exercise, meditation, and additional ways that can help lessen the stress. You can refer to our upcoming activity hacks series for more ideas to incorporate physical activities in daily life. 

Now let’s talk about positivity! Your perception of things can impact your feelings. Positive thinking can help with stress management and even improve your health. It is time to use an optimistic point of view to approach the unpleasantness. 

Start by smiling

Smiling has been found to lower levels of stress hormones and also reduce heart rate and blood pressure. When you are stressed, take a break and watch a funny video! 

Appreciate the little things in life

Take time for yourself and enjoy the simple things, such as a warm bath, a cup of coffee, or your favorite song. These ideas can all help you destress and improve your well-being. 

Be aware of your own thoughts

Everyday, there is an endless amount of unspoken thoughts running through our heads. They can be positive or negative. Negative thoughts are likely to shift our perceptions of things to be more pessimistic, which can increase stress. Being aware of your own thoughts can help increase mindfulness and provide the opportunity to reframe them to the positive. 

Reframe to the positive

Even though we cannot avoid the unpleasantness in life, we can approach those moments in a more positive and productive way. Instead of stressing about trying something new, for instance, see it as an opportunity to learn and experience new things. 

Focus on self-care

At last, remember to practice self care by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of rest. They not only help you feel good physically, but also help you prevent and manage stress.

Above are our thoughts about positive thinking. Don’t hesitate to share with us some other ways you use to destress! 

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