Stress can lead to several significant health problems. With April being National Stress Awareness Month, why not focus being in control and taking care of your own personal health. Start today to better handle your stress by trying one of the tips listed below and you’ll be on your way.
- Rather than dwell on the negatives in your life, give yourself at least one positive affirmation EVERY DAY. Repeat it as often as you can.
- Ever feel as though you can’t clear your mind? Start to incorporate deep breathing to quiet your thoughts. Don’t have the time? Start with 2-3 minutes a day.
- Plan a “checkup” that you have been putting off for one reason or another.
- Take a free exercise/yoga class, often offered at a library or even a gym, to jump start your physical activity goals.
- Pick one aspect of your current eating style to make a healthier change.
- Make a plan to declutter even just one area in your life each month. Start with cleaning out your clothes closet and donate to your favorite charity.
Try this Challenge! Keep a Joy Journal throughout the month, listing something each day that left you feeling joyful.
Linda Altenburger, Senior Nutritionist, SNAP-Ed