Common name: BlScV
Distribution: The virus is present in the eastern US, and was a problem in Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Michigan, and New Jersey. Presently, BlScV is quarantined in MI and NJ. It is known to be present in western NY and northern Pennsylvania, and was first detected in New York 2008. Unfortunately, there are no quarantines for BlScV in NY and PA.
Crops of Concern: Blueberry.
Potential for Economic Impact: Given that the virus can spread rapidly within a planting and to neighboring plantings, and cause mortality, the presence of BlScV typically signals loss of the affected planting and neighboring blocks.
Symptoms/Identification: Flowers and young developing leaves on plants with high titers of BlScV will rapidly become blighted ‘scorched’ at bloom. Necrotic flowers and leaves will initially be brown, but later bleach to an ash gray color. If infections are severe enough, young developing twigs may be killed outright. Given that bloom in northern regions of the United States may often still coincide with spring freezes, BlScV symptoms can be confused with those of frost injury. In certain cultivars, spectacular chlorosis and marginal necrosis patterns may be observed. Infected bushes will have poor growth and fruit production, and may be killed. In many instances, infected plants can appear asymptomatic. To confirm the virus presence, one would need to seek ELISA testing from a diagnostic laboratory.
Monitoring and Management: Watch for a rapid blight of flowers at bloom that is not coincident with a spring freeze. Conduct ELISA testing in the spring/summer.
- Monitoring:
- AgDia – testing service
- Cultural Management – Remove and burn infected plants! Test neighboring plantings and prepare to remove the entire block and potentially neighboring plantings within 500 ft. Purchase certified plants and budwood from a nursery with a virus certification program.
- Chemical Management – There are no means of chemical management for this disease.
Additional Resources: There are several websites that provide more information and excellent descriptions of BlScV.
- Regional Pest Alert – North Central IPM Program
- Pest Alert and Fact Sheet: Blueberry Scorch Virus – USDA and Oregon State University
- Michigan Pest Alert: Blueberry Scorch – – Michigan Department of Agriculture and Michigan State University
- Blueberry Scorch Virus – British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture