With the recent documentation of evolved herbicide resistance in New York, including Palmer amaranth (glyphosate, ALS-inhibitors), waterhemp (glyphosate, ALS-inhibitors), horseweed (glyphosate, ALS-inhibitors, paraquat), lambsquarters (bentazon), Cornell is looking to get a better feel for the current “state of the state” with respect to herbicide performance and failure. Specifically, we want to survey growers/land managers/crop consultants/extension specialists/industry personnel, etc…, across cropped (e.g. agronomic, vegetable, fruit), ornamental/horticultural (e.g. Christmas tree farms, golf courses), and non-cropped (e.g. industrial, roadsides) systems in NY. This survey is very short and should be QUICK to answer. It is also completely ANONYMOUS. Answers will help Cornell weed scientists plan future research and extension projects. Please access the survey using the link below.