“Are you ready to consider that Capitalism is the real problem?”


I just read that article, and it rings a bell with a lot of considerations we shared today during our showcase 😉

Because it’s time to stop with that myth of a perpetual economic “growth” in a limited world, with limited resources. Resources that don’t belong to us, that exist by themselves and are way more connected to the rest of the world than we are.

Because what makes life worthy can’t be measured by GPD.

” The choice is stark, and it seems people are waking up to it in large numbers: Either we evolve into a future beyond capitalism, or we won’t have a future at all.”

One thought on ““Are you ready to consider that Capitalism is the real problem?”

  1. This was a great article. I’m glad that more and more of the newer generations are starting to challenge the notion of capitalism as the one true path to overall success/wealth. You can’t have a system that views humans as capital, capable of producing endless amounts of labor (which is then arbitrarily categorized as either valuable or replaceable), and then also argue that it is the ONLY system that provides for individual liberties. The concept of “the invisible hand” we’re taught in high school economics classes, that the price of services/products will regulate itself through supply and demand, is a myth perpetuated to make us believe that we have more power than we actually do: especially when our “free” markets are led by huge monopolies like Apple, Amazon, and others. Every aspect of our lives, from the products we decide to buy to the government policies that we’re subjected to, are subject to the whims of big corporations that get to dictate what exactly it is we need to do to be happier, wealthier, more successful.

    There’s even a term used to describe the feeling of inadequacy that comes with not having that much work to do! Work-envy, yet another way big corporations keep us working toward “happiness.”

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