Song for Week 10, The Pagoda / E-Saggila – Your Hole

E-Saggila’s work is labeled as somewhere between techno, gabber, breakcore; it’s confrontational, intense, and unforgiving.

I was listening to a lot of E-Saggila around the time we were reading this novel, and this track, “Your Hole”, sounds a lot like how I felt reading “The Pagoda”. “The Pagoda” was an anxiety trip of tension and uncertainty, panic and unease. Perhaps E-Saggila is a bit too industrial and synthetic for the times (1890s, right?), but I hope the noise, screams, and slowly building ominous synths do something to depict the gradually burning violence, terror, confusion and anxiety that Lowe experiences throughout the story.

I don’t really have the language for this kind of music yet. In the context of “The Pagoda”, it’s just… haunting, haunted.

One thought on “Song for Week 10, The Pagoda / E-Saggila – Your Hole

  1. I really enjoyed this music selection, its different from anything I have listened to before. I think it was a good music selection for Pagoda, I also thought about on Such a Full Sea, with the water sounds.

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