Reading-Related Song – A Tribe Called Quest’s “We the People”

I drew parallels between this verse from the song:

All you Black folks, you must go
All you Mexicans, you must go
And all you poor folks, you must go
Muslims and gays, boy, we hate your ways
So all you bad folks, you must go

and du Bois’ narrative for progress, which distinguishes between a more advanced humanity and “denying to over half the world the right of sharing to utmost ability the opportunities . . . of modern civilization,” which would destroy European civil society. In the same way, A Tribe Called Quest questions the implications of asking marginalized people in the United States to “go.”

~Darren Chang, ASRC 3310, Fall 2019

One thought on “Reading-Related Song – A Tribe Called Quest’s “We the People”

  1. Nice selection, Darren! There are certainly parallels in the rhetorical strategies being deployed in an appeal to justice across races and nations that also draw on Enlightenment ideals from Du Bois to Tribe Called Quest.

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